Standardized Testing Bulletin Board

The dreaded "testing season"......

Remember your students have an incredible amount of butterflies about the standardized testing. Remind them that yes, it is important and they definitely should take the test seriously and try their hardest. I think it is so important to remind them that this one test does not define who they are. There are so many other things about them that this standardized test will not measure. 

This bulletin board came alive because we had to take down all content related decorations to prepare for testing. Instead of covering up my walls I decided to take everything down. Staring at a giant blank bulletin board is how this came to mind. At the time I was teaching 8th graders and they were incredibly nervous about passing the test. We were taking the test on computers(which was a new thing!) and it was all very confusing and new for everyone! You could almost feel the nerves fuming from everyone with the mention of the test. 

My hope was that this bulletin board eased some of the nerves of students and the teachers as well! I do believe that testing is important to measure growth but there are SO many other things that make a child special. 

This bulletin board kit is very easy to make and can be placed in a small corner of your room, on a door, a bulletin board, etc. You simply print on whatever color paper you want and cut a straight line between the words. 

What are some words you would add to this?

Click here to get this Standardized Testing Bulletin Board Kit for your classroom!

Here are a few teacher shared examples below! 

Ms. Pittaluga has a great example on a small board.

I love the colors that Dana used!

Third Grade Gifts nailed her board!

Whitney's board looks fabulous!

Ellen did a review packet challenge with stickers!

Andrea did a great job!!

Quinlan used awesome wood grain paper for her board!

I love how Ms. James used a blue border to tie it together!

Michelle shared this from her daughter's school!

I love the polka dot paper Coffee & Pi used!

Love the colored pencil border Mrs. Conner used!

Brit used a space in the hallway for her display!